A picture of Walter Gordy.

Hi, I am Walter Gordy.

Software Developer

Robotic Arm Fun

Robotic Arm Fun

So what do you do when you have a week of free time? Built a robotic arm of course! I had a few smaller servos laying around and a pan...

Atlys Spartan 6 Development Board

Atlys Spartan 6 Development Board

Update: I’ve found little use for the board since digilent so poorly supports the board. It basically requires the Embedded Development Kit (EDK) from xilinx to use much of the...

New to Arduino

New to Arduino

So this week I got an Arduino board and played with one for the first time. While I’m not new to microprocessors, I am new to Arduino. The board and...

XY Plotter Using Old Scanners

XY Plotter Using Old Scanners

I found some old photo scanners for free on craigslist so I thought I’d turn them into a plotter. I used an old microcontroller I had laying around to control...

Water Drop Slow Motion

Water Drop Slow Motion

This is a series of different water drops captured with different time delays. The camera was triggered by a circuit monitoring a photoresistor. A laser beam was aimed at the...

Playing with a Thermal Camera

Playing with a Thermal Camera

This is just fun with a thermal camera. We had a the imaging core from a old obsolete thermal camera so it took a while to get it up and...