Atlys Spartan 6 Development Board

Atlys Spartan 6 Development Board

Update: I’ve found little use for the board since digilent so poorly supports the board. It basically requires the Embedded Development Kit (EDK) from xilinx to use much of the board. Digilent promised to support all the peripherals with ISE webpack alone, but its been more than a year since that promise with no hope in sight. If anyone is interested in the board, I’d be willing to trade it for something. Just leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you. 

I just got a new Atlys Spartan 6 FPGA development board from Digilent and I thought I would share some photos of it since there are almost no good ones online. The capabilities of the board look great and I can’t wait to try it out.

The board is a lot smaller than it looks in the picture. Its about a half inch longer on one side than the Nexys 2 board. It has a cute little heatsink on the Spartan 6, so I know its getting a little more serious than previous boards. Unlike other boards I’ve had from Digilent, the Atlys board requires external power and doesn’t seem to get power from USB, so it looks like I’ll be playing with it near a wall. The power supply comes with a weird European adapter that I don’t understand (the one with two rods) and the standard US plug.

Hope these pictures are useful to someone. I’ll post something cool if I ever get something cool worth posting.

Comes in a large box.


Top of the board

Top of the board

Bottom of the board. It looks like a mini HDMI port on the right corner.

Close up of some of the ports on the board.

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